Monday, March 23, 2009

Anacostia River Bill

Dear Colleagues,

The Environment and Aesthetics Committee is passing along this link to sign a petition to DC council members (DC residency not required) to pass a bill that would help keep plastic bags out of the Anacostia River.

Thanks for your consideration! This link will also be placed in the links bar on the right-hand side of the page.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let's all think green for St. Patrick's Day tomorrow and take advantage of the recycling bins in each of the break rooms!
GREEN TIP: You can recycle more than just paper and soda cans at CQ Press! In addition to these bins positioned strategically around the office, there are also bins to recycle plastic shopping bags in each of the break rooms. We even have a bin for dry cell batteries in break room 8100 and bins for depositing bubble wrap and packing peanuts for reuse in 8068!
Sustainably yours,
Your friendly neighborhood Environment and Aesthetics Committee

Fun Fact: The wood and paper discarded by Americans annually is enough to heat 50,000,000 homes for 20 years. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tip of the Week 3/10

Happy Tuesday, CQ Press!
GREEN TIP: Did you notice the new organic fair trade Sumatra coffee in the break rooms? Rain Forest Nut coffee is fair trade as well! You can make small green changes to the items that you use everyday without making a huge sacrifice. These small changes add up to make a big environmental difference!
(If the organic coffee is well received, we can look into ordering more. Thank you, Johnnie, for ordering the Sumatra!)
Sustainably yours,
Your friendly neighborhood Environment and Aesthetics Committee
Fun fact: Eating less meat eases pressure on the environment. Producing one pound of beef requires 2500 gallons of water. Fifty-five square feet of rain forest are destroyed to produce each hamburger made from animals raised on cleared forest.